pygame window flags Link to heading
The following table1 contains a bunch of flags, you might want to use:
pygame.__ | hex value | flag function |
SWSURFACE | 0x00000000 | Surface is in system memory |
HWSURFACE | 0x00000001 | Surface is in video memory |
ASYNCBLIT | 0x00000004 | Use asynchronous blits if possible |
ANYFORMAT | 0x10000000 | Allow any video depth/pixel-format |
HWPALETTE | 0x20000000 | Surface has exclusive palette |
DOUBLEBUF | 0x40000000 | Set up double-buffered video mode |
FULLSCREEN | 0x80000000 | Surface is a full screen display |
OPENGL | 0x00000002 | Create an OpenGL rendering context |
RESIZABLE | 0x00000010 | This video mode may be resized |
NOFRAME | 0x00000020 | No window caption or edge frame |
You can combine flags in the following manner:
Statement | Result |
```pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.RESIZABLE``` |
```pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.FULLSCREEN``` |
```pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.NOFRAME``` |