pygame window flags Link to heading

The following table1 contains a bunch of flags, you might want to use:

pygame.__ hex value flag function
SWSURFACE 0x00000000 Surface is in system memory
HWSURFACE 0x00000001 Surface is in video memory
ASYNCBLIT 0x00000004 Use asynchronous blits if possible
ANYFORMAT 0x10000000 Allow any video depth/pixel-format
HWPALETTE 0x20000000 Surface has exclusive palette
DOUBLEBUF 0x40000000 Set up double-buffered video mode
FULLSCREEN 0x80000000 Surface is a full screen display
OPENGL 0x00000002 Create an OpenGL rendering context
RESIZABLE 0x00000010 This video mode may be resized
NOFRAME 0x00000020 No window caption or edge frame

You can combine flags in the following manner:

Statement Result
```pygame.HWSURFACE pygame.RESIZABLE```
```pygame.HWSURFACE pygame.FULLSCREEN```
```pygame.HWSURFACE pygame.NOFRAME```